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04 Openproject change logo

Hi there,

I’m looking for a way to change my OpenProject logo at the left top to a custom logo.
I tried to replace logo_openproject_white_big.png in app/assets/images with my logo and restart apache.
The logo is still the same.

Is there a way?

Thanks & regs

Replies (4)

Christian Ratz RE: Chnage OpenProject logo - Added by Christian Ratz over 9 years ago

Hello Christian,

You can create your own OpenProject theme. I explained how you can create one in this thread
In the theme you can just change the icon and the rest will look like the default theme.


Christian Ratz RE: Chnage OpenProject logo - Added by Christian Ratz over 9 years ago

btw if you change the defaut logo like you did it you have to precompile the assets again but I suggest to use a theme otherwise you have to take care about your changed files at each update of OpenProject.


Sérgio Basto RE: Chnage OpenProject logo - Added by Sérgio Basto almost 6 years ago

I preferred edit lib/open_project/design.rb and change logo_openproject_white_big.png to my logo and copy my logo to /opt/openproject/app/assets/images/

I could adjust css pixeis etc

openproject run rake assets:precompile systemctl stop openproject systemctl start openproject

Don’t panic after restart system needs some time to back online …


 RE: Change OpenProject logo - Added by Robert Symborski 7 months ago

For those who come from more 'traditional' development environments, as of OpenProject 12.5.8, this worked for me.

After a OpenProject package installation onto a Centos 7 deployment, the logo is located @


after replacing(overwriting) this file with your own logo, check that the proper owner and group are still associated with the file (ftp/sftp clients will replace the owner:group with the user performing the file replacement). The new file should reflect openproject:openproject as the owner and group.

chown openproject:openproject logo_openproject_white_big.png
ls -al logo_openproject_white*
-rw-r--r--. 1 openproject openproject 14061 Aug 14 17:16 logo_openproject_white_big.png

The new logo file will need to be re-compiled into the public assets.

stop your existing service

systemctl stop openproject

compile the new assets

openproject configure

start the service

systemctl start openproject

After the new public assets have been compiled, your compiled logo is located @


... where it will be properly served by the web server in response to client browser requests.

This may be considered a hacking approach and will likely be rendered ineffective upon any upgrade to OpenProject itself.  However, this approach can be effective for ad-hoc proof-of-concept demonstration purposes for cringy management who has come to expect every presentation to be custom branded to their organization.

In the spirit of proper attribution, I would like to thank everyone who suggested that I buy the Enterprise Edition for making me remember everything I had forgotten about html/css/sass/js/json/node/angular/react/ruby as well as the fact that free open source doesn't come without a cost.

If you want things to be easy, just buy the Enterprise Edition and keep some hungry devs fed!